Where I come from

The solo exhibition "Dogs Painted"


shows a selection of works by renowned pastel artist Katrin Zwerch, mainly dealing with dogs. In the heart of the picturesque Tuscan old town of Montepulciano, in Via dell' Oppio, the main artery of the city, in a former workshop, contemporary artists show their work throughout the year. 




Katrin Zwerch will give daily insights into her technique with pastels during the exhibition. Live demonstrations take place in the mornings and afternoons, where you can look over the artist's shoulder.






At selected times, you can bring your dog to the photo shoot to have your personal work of art made.






For more info and to visit the studio in Montepulciano: 0039 349 090 6938

When someone asks me how, as an architect, I got into painting, I usually say that it was serendipity. I admire creation with its diversity and immeasurable beauty, its enigmatic algorithms and laws and the naughtiness with which it creates anything differently from what I can imagine. That's what I love about my work: the continuous exploration and fathoming of the one artwork I am a part of, life. 


I have worked as an artist since 2005. What started as a provisory period of immersion in artistic work has turned out to be a wonderful way to make my livelihood.


Pastels are the medium I use most often. This is because they are not complicated, they can be used well anywhere; you don't need any liquids to mix or dilute and you can apply the colors directly to the paper. The colors shine beautifully, they practically never fade and are able to render the realistic appearance that I like.


Is there something that you would like that is not shown on my products page? Yes, please ask! I love challenges and new art explorations. Get in touch:





Katrin Zwerch, geb. 1966 in Kempten/Allgäu

Unter dem Künstlernamen KatZ zeichne und male ich realistische Portraits nach den Lieblingsfotos meiner Kunden, aber auch direkt vom Modell. 

Als freiberufliche Künstlerin habe ich meinen Sitz in 

Einöde 57 1/2, 87474 Buchenberg. Oft bin ich in unserem Studio in der Toskana zu finden.

Steuer ID 42963108959

Email: shop@katzportraits.com

Tel: 0039 3490906938

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